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Official Launch of the National Assembly Election Boundary Delimitation Commission

Date :12/12/2018Read : 207

= Deputy Secretary General of the NEC Kim Sehwan was appointed as the Chairperson at the first commission meeting =


The National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Korea announced that the National Assembly Election Boundary Delimitation Commission (NEBDC) was officially launched to delimitate the electoral districts for the 21st National Assembly elections.


The NEBDC held its first meeting on December 7 and appointed Kim Sehwan, the Deputy Secretary General of the NEC, as its Chairperson and began activities to delimitate the 21st National Assembly electoral districts.


At the meeting, the commission decided they would work to delimitate the electoral districts fairly and objectively without political considerations and urged the National Assembly''s Special Committee on Political Reform to finalize its plan for reforming the electoral system as soon as possible.


According to Article 24 of the Public Official Election Act, the NEBDC must submit a draft of the delimited boundaries to the Speaker of the National Assembly 13 months before the National Assembly elections (in this case by March 15, 2019) and Article 25 of the same Act requires the National Assembly to confirm the electoral districts one year before the election (In this case April 15, 2019).


Earlier, the eight members selected by National Assembly''s Special Committee on Political Reform were appointed by the NEC, including Kim Sehwan, the Deputy Secretary General of the NEC, Son Chang-yeol, a lawyer, Yoon Kwang-il, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Sookmyung Women''s University, Lee Deok-ro, Professor of Public Administration at Sejong University, Cho Sook-hyeon, a lawyer, Jo Yeong-suk, Director of International Outreach at the Korean Women’s Association United, Ji Byeong-geun, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Chosun University and Han Pyo-hwan, Professor of Industry and University Cooperation at Chungnam National University.





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